The Garden Series on Sheppard

Building Type:             Condominium Apartment
Owner:                          NF 95 Developments
Location:                      3445 Sheppard Ave. East, Toronto, ON
Lot Area:                      1.244 Ha (3.07 Ac)
GFA:                             30,740 m2 (330,893 SF)
Number of Units:       352 Residential Units (295 apartment units, 57 townhouse units)
Building Height:         Building A: 10 storeys, Building B: 14 storeys, Townhouses: 3 storeys

This is a new condominium residential complex consisting of two apartment buildings and three stacked townhouse blocks. A walkway and landscaped area between the apartment buildings and townhouses connects to the park on the west side of the lot. Under the 5-building complex lies 2-storeys of underground parking for the residents. The ground floor pedestal is comprised of retail spaces, creating a lively, pedestrian community.

The façade along Sheppard Ave. showcases a combination of window-wall and stone cladding to create a bright and eye-catching aesthetic. The townhouses are tucked behind and laid out to form an enclosed and intimate space, lined with modern homes and dotted with greenery.